Whiffle - Precision Weather Forecasting

Lowering imbalance risks through ultra-high resolution weather forecasting.

Whiffle offers unique and highly accurate meteo forecasts and power generation (wind and solar) data that enables our energy trading clients to create a competitive edge. With unprecedented detail, we provide reliable short-term forecasts of renewable energy production on asset, park or portfolio level. Our forecast services provide any meteorological variable at unmatched resolution, including the subsequent power production, allowing renewable energy producers to better match supply and demand and significantly reduce imbalance costs. The high-resolution forecast captures the physics of wake, blockage and cluster effects of wind farms and complex terrain. Detailed cloud modelling enables a more precise solar irradiation forecast.

Whiffle - Precision Weather Forecasting
AccessAPI, Email, sFTP
HistoryOn request

What is provided

> Meteo forecasts

> Power production forecasts


> Improved forecast skill

> Cutting-edge Large Eddy Simulation technology allows forecasting with unprecedented detail

> Unique new forecast signal for wind and solar power forecasting

> Statistical forecasting

> Real-time observation and planning ingestion

> High delivery reliability

How to connect

> (S)FTP delivery

> Email




Explore our website www.whiffle.nl to learn more about the precision weather forecasting solutions we provide, find out how to get in touch with our team and see what's new with us.


Explore our website www.whiffle.nl to learn more about the precision weather forecasting solutions we provide, find out how to get in touch with our team and see what's new with us. Please contact us at info@whiffle.nl for more detailed pricing information.

Write Us


Department Sales
Phone +31 (0)15 202 6160
Email info@whiffle.nl
Website www.whiffle.nl

About Whiffle

Precision Weather Forecasting.

Whiffle is a leading provider of high-resolution weather forecasting solutions that makes renewable energy production more predictable. Whiffle offers the world’s first operational weather model based on Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The calculations are run on graphic processing units (GPUs), allowing local turbulence and underlying processes and conditions in the atmosphere to be captured with unprecedented detail.

The model calculates wind speed and solar irradiation with horizontal resolutions of 10’s of meters, including all effects of the surroundings: vegetation, landscape, buildings, obstacles, wake, and blockage effects. More accurate weather forecasting lowers imbalance risk and costs for energy companies.

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Whiffle - Precision Weather Forecasting

Lowering imbalance risks through ultra high resolution weather forecasting. Whiffle offers a unique and highly accurate meteo forecasts and power generation (wind and solar) data that enables our energy trading clients to create a competitive edge.

Whiffle - Precision Weather Forecasting