Spotrenewables – Forecasts & Actuals – Web Interface

EuroWind’s data service provides wind- and solar power forecasts, nowcasts, and real-time actual data for European countries, market areas, grid-nodes, or individual portfolios.

Take a 30-day free trial now. Click the “trial” button underneath to request your free trial.

Your free trial covers  wind- and solar power data for a wide selection of European countries and time ranges: Starting from now (real-time EuroWind Actuals) followed by very-short-term (EuroWind Nowcast) up to mid-term (10-day EuroWind Forecast).

InsightCommodity - EuroWind Spotrenewables Web Interface - Renewables data for trading in commodity markets
AccessWeb Interface
RegionAT, BE, BG, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FR, FI, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, NL, NO, PO, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR, UK
HistoryOn Request

What is provided

EuroWind Forecast for wind- and solar power are high precision 10-day meta forecasts based on an intelligent combination of numerical weather models, such as ECMWF, HIRLAM, UKMET, ICON, or GFS.

EuroWind Actuals are real-time actual generation data for wind- and solar power that are generated by learning inhouse routines and are based on a variety of satellite, monitoring, and measurement data.

EuroWind Nowcast combines both products, actuals and forecasts, and optimizes on high frequency the current forecast for the oncoming six hours.


> Wide product range from now up to 10 days ahead

> High frequency updates depending on data type

> Data available on different levels: country, TSO, portfolio, grid-node

> Graphical web interface

How to connect

> web interface via

> Subscription for individual modules available


EuroWind’s data service provides wind- and solar power forecasts, nowcasts, and real-time actual data for European countries, market areas, grid-nodes, or individual portfolios. For further details and information please visit our website on or contact us directly via phone or email.


Please note: Prices depend on package size and subscription length. Please use the “subscribe” button or contact us directly via phone or email for your individual offer

Write Us


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About EuroWind

The EuroWind GmbH helps power traders to anticipate the risk of renewables energy on the spot price by providing them with wind and solar power forecasts and actual data within 25 European countries.

The data are produced by professional meteorologists - your guarantee for highly accurate forecasts. As a leading expert in renewables power forecasting the data from EuroWind are not only broadly published but also used and trusted by major European TSOs.

Take a 30-day free trial. Click the “trial” button on our service pages to request your free trial and see EuroWind’s power forecasting in action.

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Spotrenewables – Forecasts & Actuals – API

EuroWind’s data service provides wind- and solar power forecasts, nowcasts, and real-time actual data for European countries, market areas, grid-nodes, or individual portfolios.

InsightCommodity - EuroWind Spotrenewables API - Renewables data for trading in commodity markets
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Spotrenewables – Forecasts & Actuals – sFTP

EuroWind’s data service provides wind- and solar power forecasts, nowcasts, and real-time actual data for European countries, market areas, grid-nodes, or individual portfolios.

InsightCommodity - EuroWind Spotrenewables sFTP - Renewables data for trading in commodity markets
Go to product
Spotrenewables – Forecasts & Actuals – Web Interface

EuroWind’s data service provides wind- and solar power forecasts, nowcasts, and real-time actual data for European countries, market areas, grid-nodes, or individual portfolios.

InsightCommodity - EuroWind Spotrenewables Web Interface - Renewables data for trading in commodity markets