PowerDesk Balancer

Intelligent visualisation of power balances and flows.

PowerDesk Balancer provides real-time visualisation of market balances comprising trades, forecasts, and flows.

The solution helps to take advantage of trading opportunities right up to gate closure, whilst executing balancing strategies and managing capacities. 

PowerDesk Balancer
AccessDesktop Application
RegionAL, AT, BA, BE, BG, CH, CZ, DE, DK, Europe, FR, FI, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LU, ME, MK, NL, NO, PL, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, UK, XK
FormatTrade forecast formats
Granularity15, 30 or 60 min

What is provided

> Deal imports: Utilise a standard XML format for importing deals. Deals can be transferred via REST API, file system, or message queue. We provide Open API files, Postman collections, and documentation for integration support.

> Deal aggregation: See a consolidated view of individual trades per counterparty to calculate positions, ready for TSO nomination.

> Balance view: Gain an up-to-date balance view in each market with real-time deal loading.

> Capacity management and flow planning: Gain a holistic view of allocated capacity rights, plan cross-border flows and compare transport positions with available capacity.

> Position checking and balance verification: Quickly verify positions per counterparty and balance group, with deal-level drilldown capability.

> Schedule export and status tracking: Schedules can be manually or automatically triggered to meet submission deadlines. Visualise a high-level nomination status per day for exported positions to easily track position changes and TSO acceptance.

> Flexible deal entry: Manually enter deals and make edits at a deal or position level in the user interface.

> Optional Extras:

  • Support for EPEX intraday continuous markets power trading: Automatic deal imports of all executed trades on the M7 Intraday Trading System.

  • Support for European Capacity Allocation Platform 'JAO': Automatic import of capacity rights auction results.

  • Automated netting and balance strategies: Automatically adjust imbalances between balance groups or control areas on the basis of pre-configured strategies.

  • Support for EPEX and Nord Pool day-ahead auction participation and results import.

Brady PowerDesk Balancer

Documentation is provided via a portal accessible to customers only.


Pricing options will be available upon a consultation. Please do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

Contact Us

Department Marketing
Phone +44 (0)20 3301 1200
Email marketing@bradytechnologies.com
Website https://www.bradytechnologies.com/

About Brady Technologies

Powering efficiency and change in energy markets.

At Brady Technologies, we are at the forefront of the energy transition, helping market participants navigate new challenges and opportunities with confidence. Our advanced software solutions bring clarity to complex problems and processes, enabling customers to enhance their trading and operations and meet tomorrow’s energy needs.

Our product suite serves a diverse client base, including utilities, independent power producers, renewable asset developers, and energy and multi-commodity trading houses. We also provide solutions for oil & gas companies, particularly as they develop their power businesses, state power grid operators, hedge funds and investment management companies.

Our software solutions support critical decision-making and help these regional and global leaders optimise their trading, power operations, and manage complex risks. Our technology facilitates increased automation and efficiency in the face of changing market dynamics including decentralisation, decarbonisation, diversity of generation assets, volatility and evolving regulation.

We are proud of the spirit of partnership we have with our customers, many of whom have been with us for a decade or more. Furthermore, we are committed to our values of collaboration, innovation and delivery, to ensure we continue to meet their and the energy market’s needs in the future.

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